Friday, December 2, 2016

Free Child Care

I am choosing to argue that the government should provide free child care. People struggle every day to provide for their children that’s the one thing the parent does is to provide. If parents cannot afford child care they have no way to provide for them. If you make child care free parents have the opportunity to give their children better lives. They don’t have time to work and make money if they cannot put their children in a good daycare or even a daycare at all for that matter.

Also in my opinion it’s such a demand right now it is literally baby season. It seems like to me every time I log onto Facebook someone new is pregnant every day and something I know with my friends being fresh out of college or haven’t even stepped one foot into a college classroom, many of them are struggling to even pay for themselves let alone another mouth to feed. It’s the worst thing in the world to know that somewhere out there kids are struggling because their parents can’t afford to take care of them.

 I know it’s a struggle so a little help from the government wouldn’t hurt. With me having such a passion for kids it breaks my heart that the government hasn’t already started making moves to make something like this possible. It would do a great deal for society if the government would lend a helping hand and help those in need especially in providing free child care to all those parents out there. 


  1. This commentary "Free Child Care" talks about giving aid to those who struggle to raise a child. I think that childcare should be free for struggling parents, but where do we draw the line at? Do only struggling parents get it? Do they have to be young and in school or do can they be older parents too? Do they even need to be struggling parent or parents?
    This is something things that need to be decided because they will come up later on if free child care is to be implemented. I think that it should apply to all parents that do not meet the basic needs to raise a child, those needs being, food, shelter, and clothes. If take in that most parents having children now is kids themselves then it would be of benefit to have free childcare for younger parents. This will decrease the number of abandoned kids, the number of runaway kids, and the number of kids who have to drop out of school to raise their child.

  2. The government should provide free child care for the single mothers and couples that need it. Obviously, the people who are not struggling financially will most likely be fine. In an article in The Hill called “American parents are trapped: Here’s how to free them” it said that in an average household, their income drops 14 percent when their child is under five. For single mothers, their income drops 36 percent! When you have a newborn, there are so many expenses that must be covered: clothes, food, furniture, and diapers (SO MANY DIAPERS). These expenses are completely necessary there is no way of getting around them. So, a person is making less money AND must buy more things for the child.

    Child care can range anywhere from $300 to $1,500 monthly. Now if you can afford placing your child in a daycare that charges $1500 every month, you most likely don’t need free child care. But for a younger couple, $300 a month is very harsh on their paycheck, especially if they’re on minimum wage. Parenting, in general, is not an easy task. The government should help people out by providing free child care to those in need. Parents shouldn't have to decide between working or taking good care of their child, there should be an option that provides both.
