Sunday, December 4, 2016


The blog that my classmate posted about how the government should implement mandatory vaccines is really spot on in my opinion. I agree with what was said “If these are not met than there should be real consequences including jail time or fines.”  I agree with this 100%!! People should stop being scared of vaccinations and actually think about the good it is doing for you. Vaccines have a shield ready so that way when something bad happens it is ready to fight. It is also a good thing to know that without those vaccines many people have died from them….I know I would rather get a vaccine then it actually leading to death. Like my classmate said “These vaccinations have given society protection.”   Vaccines cost way less then actually going to hospital and sitting there wishing you actually spent the money to get a vaccine.  So again I totally agree that the government should implement mandatory vaccinations. It just makes more sense. It is there to help not hurt!  Definitely a good read, really enjoyed this post and more people should really start to think about it. 

Friday, December 2, 2016

Free Child Care

I am choosing to argue that the government should provide free child care. People struggle every day to provide for their children that’s the one thing the parent does is to provide. If parents cannot afford child care they have no way to provide for them. If you make child care free parents have the opportunity to give their children better lives. They don’t have time to work and make money if they cannot put their children in a good daycare or even a daycare at all for that matter.

Also in my opinion it’s such a demand right now it is literally baby season. It seems like to me every time I log onto Facebook someone new is pregnant every day and something I know with my friends being fresh out of college or haven’t even stepped one foot into a college classroom, many of them are struggling to even pay for themselves let alone another mouth to feed. It’s the worst thing in the world to know that somewhere out there kids are struggling because their parents can’t afford to take care of them.

 I know it’s a struggle so a little help from the government wouldn’t hurt. With me having such a passion for kids it breaks my heart that the government hasn’t already started making moves to make something like this possible. It would do a great deal for society if the government would lend a helping hand and help those in need especially in providing free child care to all those parents out there.