Friday, October 21, 2016

Again with Trump....

The article I chose was from the blog ThinkProgress written by Adam Peck and was titled “Michelle Obama delivers the most powerful indictment yet of Trump’s misogyny”. The blog post was about how Michelle Obama delivered a speech on October 13, 2016 in New Hampshire that was “far from typical”. In recent news some of Trumps past again has come up and not very many people are happy including our current first lady. The allegations against Trump were that he was taking pride in sexually assaulting women. Videos have surfaced from the Washington Post that has Trump on tape bragging about how he would sexually assault women.  He did not even bat an eye and say that they were a lie. Obama was disgusted with what she heard and seen that she told the public that she feels sorry for our country if he becomes president.

The audience he is trying to reach is the whole world as was Michelle doing when she made her speech. However, more specifically I think he was trying to target women because they would have more of an opinion about Trumps accusations because it happened to women just like them. I agree completely with what the author was saying but more importantly I agree hundred percent with what Michelle Obama was saying. The author really explained it well so that the audience could understand perfectly. It was short, sweet and to the point.  The article was also eye opening because it was not just some random person it was Michelle Obama. More people are more likely to listen to what she has to say because she knows firsthand by being married to the President. In my opinion the article was great and worth a read. 

Friday, October 7, 2016

Trump the Woman Hater.

The article I chose was from the New York Times titled, “HillaryClinton’s Everywoman Moment” written by The Editorial Board and was published on September 27, 2016. The article is about how Hillary finally got her moment to put Donald Trump to shame with his attitude towards women. During the debate she let him talk and talk for ninety minutes then it was her turn to tell the world. In recent news an old beauty queen of Trumps spoke out against him and told her story. The story she told was about how nasty he was to her because she was Latina woman. When her and Trump knew each other she said he would call her “Miss Piggy” and “Miss Housekeeping” and I’m sure countless other names as well. When she accused Trump of these accusations he didn’t deny them at all and he basically said they all have deserved it.  Clinton was addressing basically every woman in regards to being put to shame by males. Apparently it worked because she has mostly females on her side and she is still trying to get even more on her side. Trump from my opinion doesn’t have many females on his side and I think after the debate he isn’t going to get much more. Not only did Clinton want to shame Trump she also wanted to bump up her votes and it was probably easy for all the women to side with her.

Being a female myself it made me think less of Trump than I already do. But after hearing how he degraded the woman made me hate him more. Clinton was right to call him out during the debate and let the world or mostly the women of the world know how he really is. I agree with almost everything the author said and how she/he explained it. The author was also right in saying that the debate turned into a “big-screen version of what women encounter every day. “ It’s true because women go through that every single day but as soon as someone important gets blamed for it, it becomes a big deal.  The article made me think more about how our government is going to be if he is elected president that’s for sure.